For more information regarding our courses please see our main website.

Before you begin the application please note that you are required to provide a passport style photo, your qualifications and references.

If you want to apply for one of our programmes, here are the next steps to take:

  • The St Padarn's online application form is split into several sections most of which are very short. You don't need to complete the form in one go, you save your progress at the end of each section and complete it over several days if you wish.
  • If you are applying for an MA, you may be asked to upload a sample of your writing after your application.
  • Once St Padarn's has received your completed application and taken references, your application will be reviewed by our Admissions group. We will contact you to confirm the offer of a place or to request more information. This can take a few weeks.
  • Once you have received an offer and supplied all the required information, your place can be secured by signing and returning the learner contract.

If you have any questions about applying for a particular programme or if you would like us to contact you before begin filling in the form, please let us know by emailing:

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am ein cyrsiau gweler ein prif wefan.

Cyn i chi ddechrau'r cais nodwch fod angen i chi ddarparu llun yr un ffurf a llun pasbort, eich cymwysterau a'ch geirdaon.

Os ydych chi eisiau gwneud cais am un o'n rhaglenni, dyma'r camau nesaf i'w cymryd:

  • Mae ffurflen gais ar-lein Athrofa Padarn Sant wedi ei rhannu mewn sawl adran, a'r rhan fwyaf ohonynt yn adrannau byr. Nis oes angen i chi gwblhau'r ffurflen mewn un sesiwn, gallwch arbed ar ddiwedd bob adran a'i gwblhau dros sawl diwrnod os dymunwch.
  • Os ydych yn ymgeisio i gwrs MA, efallai bydd gofyn i chi uwchlwytho sampl o'ch ysgrifennu yn dilyn eich cais.
  • Unwaith mae Padarn Sant wedi derbyn eich cais a chymryd tystlythyrau, bydd eich cais yn cael ei adolygu gan ein Grŵp Derbyn. Byddwn yn cysylltu â chi i gadarnhau'r cynnig o le neu i ofyn am fwy o wybodaeth. Gall hyn gymryd rhai wythnosau.
  • Unwaith i chi dderbyn cynnig a'ch bod wedi darparu'r wybodaeth angenrheidiol, byddwch yn medru cadarnhau eich lle drwy lofnodi a dychwelyd eich cytundeb dysgwr.

Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau am ymgeisio i rhaglen benodol neu os hoffech i ni gysylltu â chi cyn dechrau cwblhau'r ffurflen, rhowch wybod i ni drwy e-bostio: